Sunday, May 2, 2010


Lately I have been trying really hard not to predict my future and to just trust that everything will be ok. Von has graduated and it is really nice to have him home to help out with Cody. Since he is now done with school I can't stop thinking about where we will end up and what he will be doing. I just want our little family to be happy wherever we are. Some days it is really hard for me cause all of our friends are moving on with their lives and we probably will never see them again. Sometimes I feel like I will be in a one bedroom apartment forever with a million kids. Of course we don't have a million kids, but it feels like it. Sometimes I just want to move and start a new adventure in my life, but of course certain circumstances don't allow us too. That is why day by day our situation stresses me out. We have been so blessed with Cody so I am praying and hoping that we can be even more blessed as we move on. For now I am going to try to not think about it and just accept what life has brought me.


  1. I totally understand wanting to know what is going to happen in the future...and you're right, you'll be fine! But it's totally normal to feel like you're never going to move on or you are stuck! But you WILL get out of that one-bedroom someday! Promise! :) haha We finally got out when Kamryn was almost 10 months've got a few months! ;) Congrats to Von on graduating! Are you job hunting now?

    When do the Score's leave? I love that picture of Cody and Parker...too too cute!
    We may not live as close anymore...but I'm always wanting to play with friends and Kamryn loves having playmates!! So, feel free to call/email or contact me someway if you want to get together to do something! :) We only live 15 minutes away...if that!! :)

  2. I know how you feel 100% And recently have been struggling with the same feelings. I read a talk by Elder Oaks that is AMAZING and really helped me a lot. I'll have to look up the title and stuff for you, it is the best. I have read it so many times lately. Anyway, just know that it will all work out one step at a time. The lyrics to Lead Kindly Light come to mind, "Keep thou my feet, I do not ask to see the distant scene, one step enough for me"

    I have to say this to myself just about everyday! It is so hard, but we dont need to know how everything will work out right now, we just need to take it one day at a time. You are doing great! Hang in there.
