Today Cody graduated from his physical therapy class. I started taking Cody to physical therapy because his pediatrician was worried about the shape of his head. I procrastinated taking him because I was scared they would tell me he needed a helmet. Not like anything is wrong with wearing one for a couple of months, but I was afraid people would look at him weird. So, our first time there they gave me a bunch of exercises to do with him and they measured his head. The measurements didn't qualify him for a helmet. I was so relieved so I promised myself I would do the exercises with him so he wouldn't need a helmet later. Well if you know me than you know that I did the exercises only
once in a whole month. So, today was our third appointment and they re-evaluated him. I was shocked when they said he improved a lot and he was graduating from physical therapy. I didn't tell the doctor that I
never did the exercises with him for fear he wouldn't let him graduate. I was so proud of Cody. I'm not saying never do what doctors tell you to do because I did stop putting him in his bouncer which I think helped a lot so he was able to sit up more on his own and start rolling and scooting around. So, I did do something they told me to do which was to stop using the bouncer.
I think as moms we get so use to doing what we want for our children, when maybe we need to let them explore more, but are afraid too. I will admit I used the bouncer as something that helped me so I didn't have to pay as much attention to him when I did dishes cause I knew he was safe. Now I stopped using it and Cody has grown so much. Any day now he will be crawling. And when he does I'm sure I will have many crazy experiences wishing he was still in his bouncer. Now I need to take another step and lower his mattress all the way down in his crib. I hate when he grows out of things. Next thing I know he's going to be asking me if he can go on a date.